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Professional Development Programs
originating in 1974

Global Therapy (Osteopathy, Etiotherapy, SomaTherapy...) &
SomaTraining (Health, Fitness, Sport Programs, Rehabilitation...)
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"You are your own best therapist"

3 Pillars of the Guy VOYER Methodology

Fascial Relational Anatomy
Tensegritive Biomechanics
Complexity Philosophy


SomaTraining is a rehab-based program designed to teach specific tools for changing and normalizing the body’s tensegrity biomechanics to attain maximum function and health.

Considered by Guy VOYER, DO to be one of the most important components of his paradigm.The Program consists of 14 courses typically taken over the span of 3 years. Open but not limited to, sports trainers, fitness consultants, chiropractors, and physical therapists.

The exercises learned are an integral and supportive part of VOYER’s therapeutic treatment paradigm, helping clients reach optimum health, and athletes reach maximum levels of performance.
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Students lined up at the track participating in a SomaTraining course led by Guy VOYER, DO


The SomaTherapy program is a specialized manual therapy program targeted at the treatment of the human fascial system. The program is based on osteopathic principles, Guy VOYER's studies on the fasciae as an anatomist and his clinical experience as an osteopath. It is a clinician-based curriculum designed to teach the fundamentals of normalizing fluid flow in all fasciae and joints throughout the body. The program consists of 13 courses.
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Guy VOYER, DO helping a student with a SomaTherapy manual technique regarding the Cranial Diaphragm
"You are your own best therapist."


The Most Advanced Exercise Program to Heal the Joints.

The goal of the ELDOA™ education program is to educate students at a high level and improve the application of the exercise.  Students are able to increase their capacity to incorporate more advanced coaching methods to test, evaluate, and treat with better comprehension and understanding of educational principles to correct the body.
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3 people demonstrating L5/S1 ELDOA™ exercise against the wall
"All is in link."

Osteopathy / Manual Etiotherapy

A global systematic approach to therapy (pelvis, spine, viscera, limbs, cranium, hormones, etc.). Treat the cause of the discomfort, disease or dysfunction before the symptom.

The human body is a whole. It is composed of precise parts, which it is necessary to know how to diagnose and treat. Manual Etiotherapy and Traditional Osteopathy organize chains of manual treatment associating all of these body components.  

The courses of Pelvilogy, Spinology, Viscerology, Limbology, Craniology, Endocrinology, Pre-per-post-natalogy and ANS include a very precise reminder of relational anatomy, a biomechanical tensegrity approach, physio-pathological studies, a mastery of diagnostic tests and above all a very precise manual therapeutic application.
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Osteopath | Teacher | Trainer | Etiotherapist