The stability of the pelvis, and therefore of the entire rachis, depends on the stability of the perineum. This diaphragm manages the entire urogenital system. It is also the floor of all the viscera of the body. During pregnancy and childbirth, the quality of its function is fundamental. It is necessary to know how to treat the hundred or so ligaments and muscles that compose it.
In the first three years of the SomaTherapy program, "Fascia Fellowship", the student learns the foundational skills of Osteo-articular Joint Pumping, Fascial Normalization, and TTLS. These skills are taught in relation to the cephalo-caudal fascial chains.
In year 4, students learn to apply all three techniques to normalize the four foundational diaphragms of the body: pelvic, thoracic, cervico-thoracic and cranial.
Open to trainers, manual therapists, chiropractors, physical therapists and anyone looking to expand their knowledge in the subject.
Course materials available for download. Validation will happen with your instructor for the live portion. Access expires 120 days from date of purchase.
Want to save a little? Send a wire instead of paying by credit card. Details in the payment section.
Sample Chapters:
The stability of the pelvis, and therefore of the entire rachis, depends on the stability of the perineum. This diaphragm manages the entire urogenital system. It is also the floor of all the viscera of the body. During pregnancy and childbirth, the quality of its function is fundamental. It is necessary to know how to treat the hundred or so ligaments and muscles that compose it.
In the first three years of the Fascia Fellowship, the student learns the foundational skills of Osteo-articular Joint Pumping, Fascial Normalization, and TTLS. These skills are taught in relation to the cephalo-caudal fascial chains.
In year 4, students learn to apply all three techniques to normalize the four foundational diaphragms of the body: pelvic, thoracic, cervico-thoracic and cranial.
Diaphragmology explores how the presence of these four structures manages tension and compression in the head, thorax, abdomen and pelvis leading to complete tensegritous model of the body.
The course also explores how the proper management and functioning of these structures effects function of all of the viscera in relation to the diaphragms.
With the completion of all four years of the fasciae fellowship, the student obtains a complete and detailed model of how to treat the orthopedic system. The student should also have gained an appreciation of how we are not just and group organ systems isolated from one another, but rather we are complex integrated beings with our health and well-being tied to the structure and function of all systems working together.
Open to trainers, manual therapists, chiropractors, physical therapists and anyone looking to expand their knowledge in the subject.
*This is the virtual lecture portion. To complete the full class, the live practical must be competed at an approved SomaTherapy school.
Course materials available for download. Validation will happen with your instructor for the live portion. Access expires 120 days from date of purchase.
Want to save a little? Send a wire instead of paying by credit card. Details in the payment section.
Sample Chapters:
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